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Set up S2S integration with publishers

Last updated on Feb 03, 2025

Step 1: set up tracking link for publisher

After launching the offer, the publisher can find it in the Publisher Panel > Offers. They need to launch the offer in order to get the tracking link for further usage. It has to include unique identifiers like ext_click_id to track conversions.

Common parameters to use include:

subsource: Identifies the affiliate ID or the traffic source.

track: Typically used for internal tracking (e.g., UTM tags).

ext_click_id: Publisher's unique click ID, which is essential for postback attribution.

Step 2: configure publisher postback URL

The postback URL is the endpoint where conversion data will be sent from UCLIQ to the publisher’s system. In this step, configure the correct postback link that transmits conversion information when the publisher makes a payment.

For S2S postback integration, make sure the following parameters are included in the postback URL:

Click_id: A unique identifier for the click.

Goal: Alias of the specific goal set for the offer (only for goals).

Sum: The amount of the conversion, based on the payment method used (e.g., CPS, CPL).

It can be set up in the Publisher Panel > Offers > Live >Postbacks:

Or in the Admin Panel > Publishers > Postbacks > Manage > Edit specific Publisher:

Replace placeholders like {sum} and {click_id} with the appropriate dynamic variables used by the advertiser. These parameters must be passed correctly to ensure accurate data tracking.

Step 3: Test Publisher Postback

Before going live, it’s crucial to test the postback configuration.

  1. Generate a Test Click

    Use the tracking link mentioned in Step 1.

    Click the link and ensure the click ID is passed through.

  2. Test the Postback

    Use the postback URL from Step 2 and test the data transmission by adding a test value for the sum and click_id parameters.

    Copy the modified postback URL and paste it into your browser’s address bar.

    Hit Enter to execute the request.

  3. Check the Conversion
    After testing the link, the conversion should appear in the Conversions section of the Admin Panel. This confirms that the postback is working correctly.