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All about tracking

What is tracking concept and how to set it up
By Azema
3 articles

Basic tracking concepts

Tracking is at the core of UCLIQ, allowing you to monitor traffic, attribute conversions, and analyze performance. Tracking links record user actions, such as clicks and conversions, by passing data between publishers, UCLIQ, and advertisers. The data collected ensures accurate attribution and performance analysis. Key Components of Tracking Tracking Links A tracking link is a unique URL generated for publishers to send traffic to offers. It contains parameters that capture data like the click ID, source, and user details. Example tracking link: https://yourtrackingdomain.com/c/offer_id?click_id=12345&subsource=affiliate Click ID A unique identifier assigned to every click. It links clicks to subsequent conversions. Postbacks Postbacks are URLs used to send conversion data back to UCLIQ from the advertiser. They ensure accurate attribution. Example postback URL: https://track.ucliq.com/pb/securekey?click_id={click_id}&sum={sum} How Tracking Works 1. Publisher Sends Traffic A user clicks on a tracking link and is redirected to the advertiser's landing page. 2. Data Captured The link records parameters like click ID, traffic source, and geography and this information appears in UCLIQ. 3. Conversion Reported User is now on the advertiser’s page and makes an action. The advertiser sends a postback to UCLIQ, including the click ID and other details of this action = conversion. 4. Attribution UCLIQ matches the conversion to the original click and attributes it to the correct publisher. Parameters in Tracking Links Tracking links often include the following: - click_id: Unique identifier for the click (mandatory for tracking conversions). - subsource: Affiliate or sub-publisher ID. - country: Geo-location of the traffic. - device: Type of device used (e.g., mobile, desktop). Testing Tracking 1. Generate a tracking link in the Publisher Portal. 2. Open the link in a browser and confirm redirection to the advertiser’s page. 3. Simulate a conversion and ensure it appears in the UCLIQ dashboard. Tips - Always include click_id in tracking links for accurate conversion attribution. - Use clear parameters to segment traffic effectively. - Test tracking links regularly to ensure they work as expected.

Last updated on Dec 13, 2024

Set up S2S integration with advertisers

Step 1: configuring the tracking link - Go to the Offers > Specific offer > Links and add the advertiser tracking link. It will contain parameters to which you need to add matching macros (e.g., {click_id}, {source}). Example:https://advertiser.com/?click_id={click_id}&affiliate={publisher_id} Step 2: setting up the advertiser postback - Go to the Offers > Specific offers > find Postback URL Template in the general widget: - Copy the unique postback URL for the offer. Example: https://track.ucliq.com/pb/securekey?click_id={click_id}&sum={sum}&goal={goal} - Provide this URL to the advertiser and let them know they should add their own macros to our parameters in the link like  click_id  The postback link can include optional parameters like sum (conversion value) and goal (conversion type) if needed. The advertiser must add the macros to these parameters too. Step 3: testing the setup 1. Generate a test tracking link and perform a test click. 2. Ask the advertiser to trigger a test postback using the click_id from the test click. 3. Check the Conversions section in UCLIQ to confirm the conversion is recorded. 4. postback parameters Common parameters used in postbacks include: click_id: Unique identifier for the click (mandatory). sum: Conversion value (optional). goal: Conversion type or goal alias (optional). tid: Transaction ID for deduplication (optional). Tips - Ensure macros consistency and double-check that click_id and other macros are supported by the advertiser’s system. - Use secure postbacks and avoid sharing postback URLs publicly to prevent misuse. - Conduct periodic tests to ensure the integration remains functional. - Use UCLIQ’s analytics tools to verify conversions and performance.

Last updated on Dec 13, 2024